Every beginner wonders what wattage for vaping is the best, but there is no clear answer. Most vape mods offer a wide range of watt settings for you to get that sweet, addictive chemical, nicotine, exactly how you want it.
The amount of watts you need to choose depends on several factors like vapor, flavor, e-liquid, coils, vaping system settings, and more. These aspects make vape wattage a personal choice, and nobody else can set the right wattage for you.
But fear not, whether you’re a serious vaper or just like a casual puff, I can help you fine-tune your device and make an informed decision on what wattage works best for you.
What is Wattage and How Does Wattage Affect a Vape?
First things first—what is wattage? If you are new to vaping altogether, all the technical jargon could be confusing so let me help you understand how watts in a vape works.
Vape wattage is the amount of energy you allow your vaping device to send from the battery to the vape tank. The higher the watts, the stronger the intensity of your vape device, but higher doesn’t always mean better! High watts can put a lot of strain on your device, especially if you aren’t using a box mod with setting controls.
Although products work at different voltages, they work the same overall: a higher resistance and voltage cause a higher wattage.
When searching for the sweet spot to get the best wattage out of your device, you should know that the temperature produced inside your device and the vapor production will change along with watts.
These factors are why the best wattage and ideal voltage are extremely a matter of personal tastes. But you do want to know what capacity your vape device can take and experiment with a low wattage first before increasing.
To know where you need more power and where you need to lessen your watts in a variable wattage device, you should pay attention to a few metrics.
9 Things to Consider When Setting Vaping Wattage
1. Ideal Settings
While it completely depends on the system, a lower wattage of 10W can usually get you a decent cool vape, while 50-75W is the ideal wattage for warmer vaping. If you want the best of both worlds, maintain an average wattage of about 40W.
Just remember that the wattage level you use will depend on the recommended wattage of your device. For instance, sub-ohm tanks can work with high watts than most other products.
2. Warm/Cold Vapor
You should use a high wattage to produce warm vapor and lower watts for cool vapor.
Check your device’s manual for the recommended watts levels and ensure that you do not go beyond that range. If you do, your vape coil may burn out, leading to unnecessary leakage and accidents.
Also, remember that your coil uses more energy and generates more heat when you increase your wattage for vaping with your device. Likewise, when you use less energy, you get a cooler vape.
Overall, if you enjoy higher wattages, try out sub ohms.
3. Dense/Light Flavor
Whether you enjoy a dense and creamy flavor from your e-liquid or prefer a smooth light hit instead, you should know that your wattage setting is what decides vapor consistency.
For rich, creamy flavors, you need a higher wattage to help you discover those subtle tones of your e-liquid. For a light flavored juice, lower watts work better.
Note that menthol, lime, and other spicy flavors work best with devices on lower wattages, while sweet, fruity flavors need high wattage settings.
4. Clouds
Just like the temperature, your watts settings determine the thickness of your clouds. Higher power means thicker clouds, while low power gives you less vapor.
Just remember that higher wattages burden your coil, so you shouldn’t always use full power.
If you do want to continuously use high watts, box mods may be the best choice for you. A box mod has a chip that regulates your vape and helps prevent malfunctions.
5. Throat Hit
If you want an intense hit, you need to turn up the watt settings. If you prefer to go light and easy on your throat, go lower.
Some e-juices are just not made for a strong throat hit, so don’t push your watt settings to the higher end with these liquids. Before adjusting wattage or temperature settings, always learn more about the juice you are using.
6. E-liquid Consumption
Whenever you increase your system’s wattage, you should expect a higher consumption of e-liquid.
For instance, if your e-juice lasts for two days, consistently vaping on high power levels will use it all up in just one day. If you are willing to refill your e-juice bottles frequently, you can use the maximum capacity that your vape mod offers.
Just remember that on average, consistent vaping on 40W and beyond will result in the consumption of 10ml in a day and drain battery life.
7. Different Coils
Every coil has its own wattage suitability, and if you exceed that range, you may end up with a burnt taste or hot vape. For a pleasant vaping experience, never go beyond what your coil rating reads.
Higher power will make your coils work extra harder. If you’re a beginner, you should learn what your electronic cigarette can do by vaping at the average settings while using temperature control.
Once you understand your coil, you can vape at a high wattage as long as your device manufacturer allows it.
8. Battery Level
When you run your device on a higher wattage, it uses a lot of battery power, so a fully charged device may not last that long.
Also, the battery life depends on the type of battery you have. For instance, a 3000mAh battery lasts about a day when moderately vaped at 15W, but only a few hours at 40W.
9. Vaping Style
If you like taking longer inhales, you’ll put an extra burden on your vape coil, and it may take a while to fire up. Meanwhile, you could also end up with a burnt taste in your mouth when vaping in a higher wattage range, especially if you don’t use temperature control.
If you inhale a lot and want to avoid such scenarios, you should stick to low to moderate watt settings.
Wrap Up
Depending on your personal preference and what you consider a satisfying vape experience, your perfect wattage can range drastically from someone else’s. Just remember to never go beyond the watts recommended for your device and your coil.
If you are a beginner, I recommend that you stick to either average or lower settings and get yourself familiarized with the way wattage affects your vaping experience before moving to high wattage vaping.