Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt with a New Coil?

So, you finally made the switch from smoking traditional cigarettes to begin vaping. Or you simply chose to vape as an alternative to another habit. Either way, welcome to the start of your vaping journey.

When you first start vaping or using electronic cigarettes, familiarizing yourself with all of the gadgets, tools, and vaping methods can feel overwhelming, and it can oftentimes be enough to scare you away if you’re not ready.

If you are new to vaping and you notice your vape tasting burnt even though you have recently installed a new coil, there are a few potential causes.

Before you go hunting for a solution for your burnt tasting vape, it is essential to understand the basics of how vape pens and coils work to produce and release vapors.

Although coils are traditionally used as heating conductors to help heat your vape, it is actually the cotton wick inside surrounding the coil that helps to produce and transmit the vapor. 

If your coil and vape pen are not primed and prepped properly, you run the risk of burnt coil and cotton wick and having to purchase a brand new coil.

You can also experience burnt hits when you inhale. You must also learn how to install coil wicks on your rig and swap coils when necessary to have the best experience possible.

Here are some more tips for the best vape taste.

8 Common Reasons Why Your Vape Tastes Burnt

High Wattage

Using a vape pen set to a high wattage is one of the most common problems that can occur, especially among those who are new to the vaping scene.

While it may be tempting to turn up the temperature during your vape session to get more vapor, it is important to remember that your e-liquid will burn and dissipate at a much faster rate than you may expect, and it can also shorten the coil life.

It is always advisable to set your vape pen temperature to the recommended temperature based on the type of vape cart as well as the brand of vape cart you are using.

Veering from the recommended wattage range can cause your vape to burn the e-liquid much faster, resulting in the burning of your vape coils.

When the coil of your vape burns, your vaping will immediately begin to take on a burnt aftertaste.

Lack of Coil Priming

One of the most important elements of vaping involves priming your atomizer coil.

When coils are not properly primed or not primed long enough, they are much more likely to burn.

Whenever you replace a vape cart with a new one or add entirely new juice to your vape, it is important to allow at least a few minutes for the new liquid to coat and prime the coil, leaving it completely saturated.

Once the coil is properly primed, the heating element will ignite the wick without letting off an acrid and unpleasant burned flavor.

It will also prevent an odd new coil taste. If you regularly prime your coil with e-juice before you vape, you can avoid a dry hit or burnt hits as well as burnt coils.

To prime your coils can be as simple as allowing the vape juice to absorb naturally into the cotton wick (which typically requires just a few minutes), or dabbing a few drops of oil directly onto the coil itself.

You don’t have to worry about a burnt vape when your coils are properly primed.

Low Oil

Some vape carts require more oil than others to work correctly.

The amount of oil your vape pen requires will vary based on the type of vape pen and rig you are using.

If you do not have enough vape juice in your pen, you may get a burnt taste upon inhaling, especially if the coil is unable to reach any of the remaining vapor oils you have left.

Ensure there is enough vape juice available in your vape tank and that your coil is entirely primed with your vape juice or concoction of choice.

Even if your vape cart appears to be half full, there is still a chance that not all of the coils in your vape have been primed, resulting in an unpalatable and burnt hit.

Don’t vape with an empty tank!

Chain Vaping

If you are vaping too much or too frequently, there is a much greater chance that you will experience a burnt taste while you are vaping, even if you are sure that you have enough vape juice and that your vaping coils are properly primed.

When you chain vape, the rig doesn’t have enough time to prime again.

Chain vaping involves rapid vape sessions without taking many breaks or allowing more time for your vape wick to absorb your juice or liquid, resulting in the burning of your vape’s coils.

If you do not allow time for the wick to reabsorb more of your vaping liquid, you will overheat your vape’s coils, resulting in a burnt taste.

Take breaks between puffs, avoiding chain vaping and ensuring that there is enough time for your coil’s wick to absorb more liquid before igniting the vape again to minimize and prevent the burning of the coils themselves.

That way you can avoid constantly buying a new vape coil.

Your Vape’s Coil is Clogged

Even if you are using a new vaping liquid, there is still a chance that your vape coil and wick have become clogged for a variety of reasons.

When a wick becomes clogged, it does not ignite or burn properly, often resulting in the burning of the vape coil, causing a burnt and unpleasant taste.

A vape’s coil and wick are more likely to become clogged when using a vaping liquid that is colorful, full of additives and flavorings, or one that is not available in retail stores and is only sold underground or on the black market.

Using vaping liquids with additional chemicals, additives, and colorings can quickly clog your vape’s coil and wick, resulting in a poor vaping experience, loose connection, and a burned flavor.

The Ingredients of Your Vaping Liquid

Not all vape juices are produced and marketed the same.

Not all vape juices utilize the best ingredients and fewest chemicals, either.

When you are new to vaping, it is important to educate yourself on various types of vape juice, ingredients, and the type of liquid you will need based on your reason for vaping.

If you notice that your vape tastes burnt even after adding a new coil and you have tried priming the coil numerous times, you may need to turn your attention to the juice itself.

Vaping liquids come in a variety of colors and flavors, each possessing different ingredients, colorings, and other additives.

The more ingredients and additives your vaping liquid has, the more likely it is to clog your vape’s coils and wicks.

If your vaping liquid is packed with ingredients and additives along with sugars, it can also contribute to the wear and tear of your vape’s coils and the rig itself.

These additives are notorious coil killers and can result in burnt cotton wicks.

Research vaping liquids and brands before choosing one that is right for you and one that is less likely to result in clogs or a burning taste.

Research reviews and testimonials to familiarize yourself with well-known and reputable vaping liquid brands on the market today.

Your Vaping Liquid is of Poor Quality

Vaping liquids are promoted and sold just about anywhere, from traditional smoke shops and dispensaries to gas stations and liquor stores.

Getting started with vaping may seem extremely complicated when you are bombarded with hundreds, if not thousands, of vaping liquid choices on a regular basis.

If you notice that your vape tastes burnt even after installing a new coil, there is a good chance that your vaping liquid is the culprit.

Using a vaping liquid of poor quality is a leading reason why vapes begin to taste burnt and coils go bad at a much faster rate.

This is why it is always important to research your rig and your vaping liquid before purchasing.

Your Vaping Liquid has a High VG Content

VG, or vegetable glycerin, is one of the most prevalent ingredients used in standard vaping liquids and e-cigarettes today.

Those who prefer plenty of smoke and “sub-ohm” experiences do best with high VG vape juice.

However, VG is a common culprit of clogged wicks and that burnt taste from turning the temperature of the liquid too high for the vape pen or rig itself.

If you are not familiar with “cloud-chasing” or if you have little interest in high intensity when it comes to vaping, it is best to skip vaping liquids that contain a high VG content.

Many vaping liquids that contain a high level of VG require vape rigs to use a much higher wattage than standard pens or vaping liquids.

If your vape pen or rig is not equipped or designed for vaping liquids that have a high VG content, you will run into various problems from wick clogging to possibly damaging and/or destroying your vape pen or rig.

It is also important to note that most vaping liquids that have high VG content will require coils and vapes with larger holes.

If your vape pen or rig contains smaller holes with less room for circulation, you are more likely to run into problems such as clogs, which, as we know by now, can result in burnt tasting vapor. 


Although it may seem complicated, getting involved in vaping is straightforward and provides many benefits for those who are traditional cigarette smokers.

Even if you are new to vaping and are just making the transition for the first time, learning the basics of vaping can help you to prevent ruining coils and burning wicks.

Once you are familiar with the basics of vaping and how to ensure the quality of your vape experience, you can begin experimenting with different vapes and vaping liquids to find a winning combination that is just right for you.